June 9, 2023Published by akppgcollege on June 9, 2023Categories NoticePractical examinations for subject Physical Education for B.A IIIRD SEM NEP.
June 9, 2023Published by akppgcollege on June 9, 2023Categories NoticePractical Examination for MUSIC paper code A-320302P for B.A IIIRD SEM DEC 2022 NEP.
June 9, 2023Published by akppgcollege on June 9, 2023Categories NoticeVIVA VOCE for subject Pol.Sc code A060302P for B.A IIIRD sem Dec 2022 NEP STUDENTS.
June 8, 2023Published by akppgcollege on June 8, 2023Categories Noticechange in date for examination for subject Physical Education (Minor) paper code Q10005 For B.A Sem I (Dec 2022)
May 31, 2023Published by akppgcollege on May 31, 2023Categories NoticePostponing of Ph.D seminar date of Mr Sushil kumar
May 29, 2023Published by akppgcollege on May 29, 2023Categories NoticeB.A (NEP) Ist sem DEC 2022 PHYSICAL EDUCATION MINOR CODE Q10005 EXAMINATION DATE